TestIf you are a sole proprietorship or small business, then in the past six months, you have seen your income decline and accounts receivables and breached contracts skyrocket. Although your volume of business may be steady or even increasing, you may be struggling to collect from clients or clients may […]
It is no secret that litigation is time consuming and expensive. Business owners always ask about the best way to reduce litigation expenses. The best way is to AVOID IT! Litigation takes business owners and managers away from doing their jobs and accomplishing the business objectives of the company.
Dear Ask the Attorney: For many years, I was an employee for a home improvement contractor. Superstorm Sandy has increased the business a lot and since I hate my boss, I am thinking about opening my own business. In addition to forming a company, I know that there are a […]
The phrase “risk management” has been popular in the corporate world for many years. What it means is different in every industry. In the assisted living environment, it takes on an entirely different meaning.
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