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Asking your fiancé to sign a prenuptial agreement willundoubtedly place a damper on your relationship with your fiancé. In fact, it could jeopardize your upcoming nuptials. As a result, you have to ask yourself, is insisting that your finance’ enter into a prenuptial agreement worth the possibility of losing him or her? The answer lies in determining whether a prenuptial agreement will protect you in the event your marriage ends in divorce.

In January 2003, two people, Minitee and Bland robbed a spa in Fort Lee, New Jersey. When the officers arrived at the scene, individuals in the area pointed out a red SUV blocked by traffic at a light and indicated that the occupants were armed and had just robbed the spa. Mr. Bland, holding a gun, jumped from the SUV and ran from the scene (considering he is now a defendant, it should be clear—he got caught).

On April 18th, 2012, Jason R. Rittie, Esq. from Law firm of Einhorn, Barbarito, Frost & Botwinick, PC, located in Denville, New Jersey, along with other counsel, will be presenting a full day, comprehensive seminar for the Sterling Education Services, Inc. entitled: Landlord – Tenant Law: Surviving in a Difficult Economy.

Contact us to schedule a consultation or
call now to speak with an attorney 973-627-7300