TestAsking your fiancé to sign a prenuptial agreement willundoubtedly place a damper on your relationship with your fiancé. In fact, it could jeopardize your upcoming nuptials. As a result, you have to ask yourself, is insisting that your finance’ enter into a prenuptial agreement worth the possibility of losing him or her? The answer lies in determining whether a prenuptial agreement will protect you in the event your marriage ends in divorce.
In January 2003, two people, Minitee and Bland robbed a spa in Fort Lee, New Jersey. When the officers arrived at the scene, individuals in the area pointed out a red SUV blocked by traffic at a light and indicated that the occupants were armed and had just robbed the spa. Mr. Bland, holding a gun, jumped from the SUV and ran from the scene (considering he is now a defendant, it should be clear—he got caught).
Dear Ask the Attorney: My ex-wife has family in Florida. Now, she wants to move down there from New Jersey with our kids because she wants them to be closer to her parents (their grandparents) because she says she can get a job in her field more easily down there […]
On April 18th, 2012, Jason R. Rittie, Esq. from Law firm of Einhorn, Barbarito, Frost & Botwinick, PC, located in Denville, New Jersey, along with other counsel, will be presenting a full day, comprehensive seminar for the Sterling Education Services, Inc. entitled: Landlord – Tenant Law: Surviving in a Difficult Economy.