TestTechnology has impacted all of our lives in a profound way. There is no question that advances in technology have had substantial impact in the healthcare field, but that is not limited to treatment alone. With the increase in social media, coupled with the use of “granny cameras,” elder neglect […]
Going “uncontested” can skirt crucial child support, asset-sharing issues Can robots save you money when you divorce? Recently, in The Wall Street Journal section titled, “The Future of Everything,” I read about a “chatbot” being developed for divorce that will “generate all the paperwork necessary to file for divorce and […]
One of the most common questions regarding a lawsuit is the cost. Who will cover the costs associated with litigation? The answer to this is particularly important if you are out of work, unable to earn an income due to an injury or have no savings to cover any up-front […]
On September 27, 2017, President Trump unveiled his much-anticipated tax plan in summary form in a document entitled the Unified Framework for Fixing Our Broken Tax Code (the “Plan”). While the document was very brief on details, it sets forth the White House’s goals for a new tax package to be […]