Since the beginning of the domestic violence procedure in New Jersey, innumerable final restraining orders have been entered. Months or even years often pass, and the final restraining orders continue in full force and effect. Unless the order is removed, the final restraining order will continue to interfere with the […]
What are protective orders? Should one be entered in your case? Many times in divorce cases, protective orders may be entered by a court to seal information from view by outsiders. But these orders are to be entered based on good cause, not just because one party or the other […]
Mississippi legislators who refused to advance a bill that would permit a spouse who suffers from domestic violence to obtain a divorce do a disservice to their state and to the true victims of domestic violence. It is well-recognized that Mississippi has some of the strictest divorce laws in the […]
Do You Think Enough Time Has Passed And You Want To Review Your Custody Agreement? It May Not Be So Easy To Do
March 9, 2017 | by Bonnie FrostChris Robinson (formerly of The Black Crowes) has filed an application asking the court to review and possibly change the custody agreement he entered into 10 years ago with his ex-wife, actress Kate Hudson. At that time, they agreed to split the custody of their son who was then age […]