TestQ. My elderly neighbor just told me he has added me to his will. I help him around his property sometimes and with shopping. His adult children live far away. I’m nervous that they will think I made him change his will. What can I do to protect myself from […]
Q. How are annuities taxed as an inheritance? Is there a difference if I inherit it directly or if it goes to a trust for which I’m the beneficiary? A. “What seems like such a straightforward question is anything but that,” says Einhorn Barbarito Partner, and Chair of the Taxation/Trusts […]
Q. My aunt has me in her will to receive her company stocks. She has accumulated them over her work career since the 1950s. If the value is $200,000 upon her death, what would I have to pay in taxes? Einhorn Barbarito Partner, Gary R. Botwinick answers: “What you’d have […]
Q. I’m expecting an inheritance of about $100,000 from an uncle who lives in Pennsylvania. I know New Jersey has an inheritance tax. Do I have to worry about that? It will be $50,000 from life insurance and about $50,000 from bank accounts. A. It’s all about where the person […]
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