TestAs published in NJ.com and NJMoneyHelp.com, May 7, 2020 Q. I got divorced in 2005. My ex wife just passed away. She had no kids, her parents are gone and she had no brothers and sisters. Who gets her house? If your ex-wife had a will, then the determination of […]
On Wednesday, May 1, 2020, Matthew Rheingold will participate in a Certified Financial Services Webinar. This program will discuss the ongoing effects of COVID-19 on individuals. Click here to register in advance for the webinar.
On Wednesday, April 22, 2020, Gary R. Botwinick, Esq. participated in a Jewish Community Foundation of Greater MetroWest NJ webinar. This program discusses estate planning and remote execution during COVID-19.
Gary R. Botwinick will be speaking at the 21st Annual New Jersey Trust & Estate Forum regarding Tax and Estate Issues that Arise in Prenuptial Agreements and post-divorce, including Orlowsky v. Orlowsky and Woytas v. Greenwood Tree Experts, on Tuesday, November 12, 2019 at the New Jersey Law Center in New Brunswick. The […]
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